House Vael

House Vael Nobles knows how to leverage the flow of Secrets for their own personal gain. Mara the Mercurial is not above sowing rumors of her own House's misdeeds if she can find a way to profit off it. Arduin the Wise reveals the Secrets of his enemies in order to bolster the Might of his Soldiers. Sigmund the Pious gathers Secrets from Vael's rivals whenever he Influences a Church.

House Skolgard
The Nobles of House Skolgard use their military might as a means of securing their Influence over the kingdoms. Betrand the Formidable gains coin by defeating enemy Soldiers. Seline the Forthright can inspire Soldiers to rally to her region. Samuel the Stalwart's religious fervor allows him to recruit Soldiers whenever he Influences a Church.


For the Nobles of House Révell, all things have a price. Marguerite the Magnificent spends her coin to increase the Might of her army. Malna the Prosperous exerts Influence over the Church to increase her wealth. Meanwhile, Velain the Luxurious gains Prestige each time he Influences a Fiefdom.

House Zarkani
For House Zarkani, the ends always justify the means. Luna the Opulent exchanges coins directly for Prestige. Edward the Bloody uses his charms, and more than a little intimidation, to push his Soldiers harder and farther on fewer coins. Jonas the Righteous interrogates his own kingdom’s Soldiers in order to learn valuable Secrets about his rivals.